About Our School

Staff 2024-2025

Principal:Ms Michelle Flanagan
Deputy Principal / Junior & Senior Infants:Mrs Jenni Duffy
1st & 2nd Class:Ms Shauna Keenan
3rd & 4th Class:Mrs Gemma Smith
5th & 6th Class:Ms Shauna Murray
Special Education Teachers:Ms Michelle Flanagan
Mrs Róisín Melouah
Special Needs Assistants:Catherine Scriven
Irina O’Neill
Jennifer Lenihan
Secretary:Gabrielle Clarke
Cleaner:Catherine McMorrow
Caretaker:Brian Matthews

Our School Day

Opening time:9.20am
Doors are opened at 9.10 am to allow the children to come into the school.
Roll call:9.40am
First Break:11.00am - 11.15am
Lunchtime:12.45pm – 1.10pm
Closing time:2pm (Infants)
3pm (1st - 6th Class)
The children line up in their class groups in the school yard when the bell rings and they are collected here by their class teachers and accompanied to their classrooms.

Home-School Liason

There are very good links established between Scoil San Nioclas and parents. Parents are encouraged to meet teachers at the parent/teacher meetings, which take place in the second term. Parents are also encouraged to meet teachers if they so wish to discuss any concern they might have about their child’s education. An appointment is made with the secretary and the teacher will meet the parent.

Parents are encouraged by the Principal and Staff to be involved in their child’s education. They do this in many ways in Scoil San Nioclás. Parents are encouraged to get involved in shared-reading with their children and also to supervise and check homework assignments. Parents are very active in this area and also in the area of sports where many mums and dads support their children at matches and competitions. Parents also provide help during preparation for sacramental celebrations-committees are set up annually by the parents of the children in 2nd & 6th class.

The Principal meets parents on an on-going basis also and promotes the school and its pupils when and where possible.

Parents also provide valuable help in the area of fund-raising.