Health Promotion Schools

We are a Health Promoting School!

Hi Health Promoting Schools Logo

The aims of the HPS initiative are to:

  • Foster the healthy development of the whole school community.
  • Provide a framework for developing health promotion initiatives in a way that supports and enhances the implementation of the curriculum.
  • Support the planning, implementation and evaluation of health-related activities under school self-evaluation, and school development planning processes.
  • Enhance the links between schools and their communities.

Health Promoting Schools recognise that there is more to being healthy than what you eat. We promote a healthy lifestyle- healthy food, physical activity and well-being for all.

School Lunches

The Lunch Bag Logo

We have a healthy eating policy here at the school. Sandwiches, vegetables, fruit, water and milk are what we consider to constitute a healthy lunch. The following are not allowed- crisps, chewing gum, nuts, lollipops, sweets, biscuits, popcorn, chocolate bars, cereal bars with chocolate and fizzy drinks. A small treat can be given on a Friday.

Due to the prevalence of nut allergies, please do not give your children nits or food containing nuts. We ask that you strictly adhere to this policy.

Hot Lunches

We are looking forward to hot meals for all from The Lunch Bag service. We hope you are as excited about hot meals as we are!

On a date, to be announced soon, your child will take home an ‘activation code’, with instructions on how to order their free hot meals, which will be served directly to their classroom.

Child thinking of the benefits of hot lunches

Hot meals throughout the day:

  • Are proven to boost immunity
  • Proven to increase focus & concentration
  • Improves the overall academic achievement of the school
  • Builds a positive peer association with meals

Health Promotion Flag

Scoil San Nioclás has been awarded the HSE ‘Health Promoting Schools Yellow Flag’. The flag now flies outside shows that the HSE has formally recognised the school as a Health Promoting School.

The HSE ‘Health Promoting Schools Yellow Flag’ is presented to schools that have been successful in completing the new national ‘Schools for Health in Ireland’ programme. The progamme helps children develop a framework of values, attitudes, understanding and skills that will inform their actions and decisions in all areas of their lives.

The ‘Health Promoting Schools Committee’ set up to oversee the development of the programme was led by Mrs Traynor,, parents’ representative Isobel, a number of pupils from the school and HSE Senior Health Promotion Officer, Monica McCrory.

During the three years of our involvement in the programme we have embarked on a wide variety of health promoting activities, including the development of a Healthy Eating Policy, Oral Health Awareness, Physical activity awareness, Anti-bullying week and Friendship week.

The process was enjoyable and beneficial to all and we are very proud to be a ‘Health Promoting School’.

Friendship Week

Friendship Week is one of the highlights of our school year. It is a wonderful opportunity for our pupils to play, sing, laugh and have fun together with all the other boys and girls in our school.

The children take part in group and collaborative activities such as building challenges, art stations, team games, treasure hunts, sports stations,novelty stations and crafting. They discuss friendship, what it means to us and how we can be a good friend.

Health Promotion Flag

Food Dudes

Food Dudes

Food Dudes is an award winning curriculum-linked evidence-based healthy eating programme, developed to encourage children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. It is based on repeated tastings of fresh fruit and vegetables, rewards and positive role models.

Scoil san Nioclás has been participating in the Food Dudes programme for several years now. The children thoroughly enjoy receiving their fruit and vegetables packets and watching the adventures Charlie, Tom, Raz and Rocco go on to promote healthy eating.

Food Dudes Fun at Home

The Food Dudes website has games, worksheets and videos for parents to download for primary school children of all ages to make learning about fruit, vegetables and healthy eating fun. These activities are available in both English and Irish and are updated weekly. Why not check them out at

Incredible Edibles

What is Incredible Edibles?

Incredible Edibles is a healthy eating initiative for Primary School students. It encourages schools across the country to get busy growing fruit, vegetables and herbs. Incredible Edibles is an interactive project that allows students to get their hands dirty and learn by doing.

Thank you to Agri Aware for providing our school with compost, biodegradable pots, potato grow bags, hanging strawberry baskets, and seeds to grow carrots, potatoes, strawberries, turnips, lettuce and chives.

Fifth and sixth class kept a logbook in order to track the growing progress. In completing this project as a school we had five interesting tasks to complete. The 5 tasks included:

  • Task 1: Food Origin – learning about where different food comes from.
  • Task 2: Home or School Activity – visit a grocery store and take pictures of your students identifying Irish fruit and vegetables OR have students submit pictures of them identifying different types of Irish fruit and vegetables in their home and community (grocery store).
  • Task 3: The Growing Element – plant your seeds in your school garden and take pictures of the process.
  • Task 4: Home or School Activity – have students submit pictures of them preparing and cooking different types of dishes using fruits and vegetables.
  • Task 5: School and Home Activity – participate in Incredible Edibles Healthy Eating Week!
Incredible Edibles