Active School / Sport
We really enjoyed some recent whole-school activity stations.

European Week of Sport 2024
We had great fun celebrating European Week of Sport 2024. It was held from September 23rd- 30th. This year the focus was on inclusion, well-being and belonging.

Inclusion: Sport is not just for athletes. No matter our age, gender, ability - sport is for everyone!
Well-being: Sport boosts self-esteem and promotes better health. It enhances overall well-being.
Belonging: Sport offers opportunities and brings generations together. Everyone maintains their individuality while also sharing the Olympic values of kindness, respect and solidarity.
The Daily Mile
Did you know we were one of the first schools in the county to implement the Daily Mile? We were one of Louth Sports Partnership’s pilot schools way back in 2013. We’ve really enjoyed this initiative ever since and our pupils really benefit from an active start to their school day. There’s nothing like fresh air to wake us up and set us up for a great day!
We Like to Move It, Move It!
All classes enjoy regular movement breaks throughout the day. From Danny Go! to Go Noodle, there’s lots of fun and activity with brain breaks and body boosts for everyone.
Our Active Flag Journey
"The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often.
The Active School Flag involves the whole school community as pupils, staff, parents and the wider community work together to achieve new active goals, and a happy and healthy attitude towards physical activity."
There are three areas to work on as part of the flag criteria - Physical Education, Physical Activity and Partnerships.
Here in Scoil San Nioclás, we began our Active School Journey in 2012. In June 2014 we were awarded our first Active School Flag and we proudly raised our second flag in June 2018.
We are continuing lots of our active initiatives - Wake Up, Shake Up exercises in the morning, movement breaks, twice weekly PE sessions, The Daily Mile (term 3) and Active Week. Our Active Committee will be working hard encouraging everyone to get involved.
We are delighted to continue our partnerships with Louth Sports Partnership and Stabannon Parnells GFC and we thank them for their help and support throughout our active journey.

We Love P.E.!
In Scoil San Nioclás we love P.E! All classes enjoy two sessions of PE during the week.
Our PE curriculum is broad and varied and we acknowledge the importance of providing 60 minutes of physical activity everyday for the children. The strands of the PE curriculum include Games, Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics,Aquatics and Outdoor & Adventure Activities. We have taken a whole school approach to teaching the strands.
In order to reach our target 60 minutes of physical activity each day, we incorporate activity breaks, such as Bizzy Breaks,Go Noodle,The Daily Mile,Wake Up, Shake Up and active lines. We also invite outside coaches from our local community to our school to enhance our PE curriculum.
Every child in our school has a Super Troopers activity journal and receives active homework every Thursday. This is a great opportunity for the whole family to join in and get active together!
Our Outdoor Facilities
We are so lucky to have wonderful outdoor facilities in Scoil San Nioclás. We have a beautiful outdoor classroom, a sensory play area, a playpark, a basketball court and a large grass area for football, soccer and other games.