
We are so lucky to have a beautiful school library, bursting with books to borrow! We also have smaller libraries in each classroom with books for the children to read.

In Scoil San Nioclás, we encourage and celebrate reading for pleasure.

We celebrate World Book Day annually with a whole month of fun and engaging reading tasks and activities. We dress up as our favourite book characters and discuss our favourite stories.

A list of recommended reads is supplied to each class twice yearly and prizes given to children who make a great effort to read at home.

We love to read!

Stabannon School Library book shelves with wall mural
Stabannon School Library book shelves with wall mural
Stabannon School Library book shelves with wall mural

Book Fairs

We hold Book Fairs twice a year. This gives the children an opportunity to purchase books at a great price and it raises money for new books for our school, too.

We’ve just had a lovely delivery from Scholastic Ireland. Thanks to all our parents for supporting our Book Fairs!

Recommended books for reading
Recommended books for reading
Recommended books for reading

Recommended Reads

Check out the Libraries Ireland list of recommended reads for children:

Reading Online

Here are a few places where you can find books online: