5th & 6th Class


September marked the beginning of an exciting new school year for the 5th and 6th class. We were thrilled to return to school after the summer holidays, reconnect with our classmates, and welcome our new teacher. Settling into our new classroom, we spent the month getting to know each other, revisiting school routines, and diving back into learning with enthusiasm.


October was a busy and exciting month for 5th and 6th class! In SESE, we worked on a project about our locality, exploring its history and special features. We were proud to participate in the Someone Like Me competition, promoting inclusion and understanding. During Maths Week, we had great fun solving puzzles, playing maths games, and exploring real-world maths. As Halloween approached, we celebrated with some traditional activities, making the end of the month festive and fun.


November was a busy month for 5th and 6th class! During Science Week, we learned about electricity and made our own lighthouses. We got creative with tie-dye t-shirts while practicing procedural writing and solved a fractions escape room as part of our maths work. In geography, we explored the counties of Ireland, and we were proud to submit our entries for the SomeoneLike Me art competition. It was a month filled with learning, creativity, and fun!